Best basic vegetable cream soup

Are you vegan?
..or having GI issues?…maybe just detoxifying..or just want to treat your body with a perfect clean food..!?
Are you maybe on low-carb diet or your child is on a special diet?
…just want to boost your energy maybe simply fancy something warm healthy and delicious?
If must try this amazing cream soup!

It is easy and quick to prepare and gives you a very good basic warm soup for 3-4 days.
I make this soup every week we eat it nearly every I thought I can not miss this plate from my collection! 🙂

It is creamy, it is super clean, it is a mixture of at least 10 different vegetables. Nothing more and nothing less. Pure vitamins, minerals, fibers and proteins.
No additives, no gluten, no lactose, no fat…just a warm highly nutritious and delicious infusion for every days!

Ingredients: any variety of VEGETABLES, olive oil and spices.
30 minutes on-hand preparation and 1 hour cooking.


6-7 pound of any variety of vegetables, but I have used:
1 medium leek 
1 medium head of broccoli
half head of cauliflower 
2 cups carrots 
2 potatoes
half medium head of jicama 
half red bell pepper 
5 strings of celeries 
1 clove of garlic
1/2-1 cup chopped parsley 
1/8 cup of olive oil
2 tbsp himalayan salt 
spices: turmeric, black pepper, ginger and cayenne pepper to your taste.


1. Rinse, clean and peal vegetables and chop them up to bigger chunks. ( see attached pictures )
2. Put 1/8 cup olive oil in a 1 or 1,2 gallon (stock ) pot and put it on a slow fire with the sliced leek. 

3. Soften onion in the oil over slow fire for about 10 minutes.
4. Put chopped carrots, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower on the onion and cook/roast for another 15 minutes. Stir it frequently.
5. Put the rest of the vegetables, turmeric, ginger and salt to the pot and fill it up with water until water covers all the vegetables.
6. Cook it for 1 hour on a slow fire. ( The water has to be quietly bubbling during the cooking time ).
7. With an electric hand blender, blend all the content of the soup until it turns smooth and well incorporated.
8. You can add cayenne pepper, lactose free sour cream, of a pinch of coconut milk  for an even better taste!

Please check the preparation in pictures below for easier understanding:

Put 1/8 cup olive oil in a 1 or 1,2 gallon (stock ) pot and put it on a slow fire with the sliced leek.
Soften onion in the oil over slow fire for about 10 minutes.:

Put chopped carrots, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower on the onion and cook/roast for another 15 minutes. Stir it frequently:

Put the rest of the vegetables, turmeric, ginger and salt to the pot and fill it up with water until water covers all the vegetables.
Cook it for 1 hour on a slow fire. ( The water has to be quietly bubbling during the cooking time ).

With an electric hand blender, blend all the content of the soup until it turns smooth and well incorporated:

You can add cayenne pepper, lactose free sour cream, of a pinch of coconut milk  for an even better taste!

..and please tell me your opinion about this recipe in the comments.

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